UnderStudy and Featured Presentation Program

Making arrangements to be gone to a conference or meeting?  Schedule an “understudy” for your class time.  The Learning Resources team offers this “menu” of options for presentations, programs, and services that can be brought to your class.  Of course we’re willing to do this anytime as a “featured presentation” while you’re in class (like a guest speaker), but if you need to plan to be out of class, we’ll cover for you as well.  (This arrangement is designed to be planned in advance and not serve as a last minute substitute.)

This is an opportunity for us to keep classes in session and embed our learning resources into your curriculum.  We can adapt our programs and services to the time you have available; full class sessions, partial class sessions, or multiple sessions.

Program Guidelines

  1. The sooner you schedule, the better. As a courtesy, please request a session at least a week in advance.  Some facilitators may be able to step in at the last minute but all sessions are subject to the availability of the facilitator.
  2. If you will be absent from the class, be sure the facilitator has details about the class schedule, location, your attendance procedures, and anything else he/she needs to know while filling in for you. Also be sure to report your absence through the normal procedures.
  3. The session will be conducted in the classroom where the class normally meets unless a more suitable setting is required (such as a computer lab for a specific program). If an alternate setting is needed, the facilitator will work with the instructor to schedule a space.
  4. We’d love to offer as many sessions as possible, but if we have facilitator time constraints, we may need to limit the number of understudy sessions provided to a specific class in one term.
  5. Following a session, the facilitator may ask the students to complete a feedback assessment of the session.

Ready to schedule an understudy session?  Make arrangements with the facilitator listed in the description of the session you selected.