March Development Day

Friday, March 12, 2021

Development Day is open to all IVCC employees.  The Development Day agenda is focused on accessibility, inclusive syllabi, and the needs of transgender students.  The link to live, online sessions will be published on March 11. Sessions will be recorded and made available to college employees following the event.

Development Day Outcomes

  1. Faculty will be able to describe and summarize,
    • the characteristics of an accessible course,
    • the components of an inclusive syllabus, and
    • the needs and concerns of transgender students.
  2. Faculty will be able to begin incorporating these concepts into teaching and learning, creating inclusive spaces and interactions, such as through course syllabi, classroom climate, and messaging.

Preparation Reflection Questions 

  1. What am I doing to contribute to equity-based outcomes for my students? 

  2. How do I create safe spaces in and outside of the classroom?

  3. How do I make equity a priority in the way I communicate and interact with others?

  4. What opportunity barriers exist in my classroom as a result of equity issues? How can I eliminate them?

  5. What steps can I take to ensure my course syllabi and instructional materials are accessible to all students? 

  6. How do my students feel about equity in my classroom? 

  7. How can the college support this work?


8:15 AM Welcome and Roadmap for the Day

  • Dr. Deborah Anderson
  • Mark Grzybowski
  • Mike Phillips

8:30-9:00 AM Institutional Learning Outcome Assessment Update

  • Dr. Kim Radek Hall
  • Dr. Nora Hamilton

9:00-10:00 AM How to be a Trans Advocate

  • Welcome, Dr. Robyn Schiffman
  • Len Meyer, MHSA-Len Meyer is the Downstate Community Engagement Manager for Planned Parenthood of Illinois and is an Adjunct Instructor at Lincoln College in Lincoln, IL. Prior to working at Planned Parenthood, they founded the Central Illinois Pride Health Center in Bloomington. Len is committed to the health and equality of the LGBT community of Illinois. Len has both undergraduate and master’s degrees in Health Care Administration Services.

10:00-10:15 AM BREAK

10:15-11:15 AM Accessibility Matters: Start with Your Syllabus

  • Facilitated by the IVCC Learning Resources Accessibility Work Group
  • Ellen Evancheck, Tina Hardy, Jayna Leipart Guttilla, Dawn Lockwood, Mary Smith

11:15-12:15 PM Creating an Equity-Minded Syllabus: Part I

  • Welcome, Amanda Cook Fesperman
  • Facilitated by Oakton Community College Faculty, Kristen Hren and Dr. Eva de la Riva

12:15-1:45 PM Lunch, Union Meeting

1:45-3:15 PM Creating an Equity-Minded Syllabus: Part II

  • Facilitated by Oakton Community College Faculty Kristen Hren and Dr. Eva de la Riva

3:30 PM Division Meetings, if scheduled

Questions or suggestions?  Contact Patrice,