Coffee with a Counselor resumes at Ottawa Center

DECEMBER 4, 2023

The coffee’s on and the welcome mat's down at Illinois Community College’s Ottawa Center.

Last year, Ottawa Center Coordinator Jeannette Phalen developed a comfortable and cozy way to de-stress on the decision to launch or extend a college career. Coffee with a Counselor is an opportunity for students and community members to connect with a counselor in a relaxed – and caffeinated – environment two days a week before a new semester opens.

Coffee, tea and all the fixings will be served from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. every Wednesday and Thursday through the start of spring semester classes on Jan. 11. The counselor is available in between scheduled appointments.

“Jeannette came up with the idea to open more opportunities for interaction with a college counselor without the need to commit to an appointment day or time,” explained Valery Calvetti, the on-site counselor.

Anyone is invited to drop in, sip some coffee and get help figuring out their next steps, Calvetti said. “In my experience, adults thinking of starting or returning to college like to express their concerns and receive direction or insights in an informal setting. December is stressful enough and the IVCC Ottawa Center is exploring ways to help ease some of the unnecessary tension.”

The IVCC Ottawa Center is conveniently located in the heart of downtown. “It’s a great place to pick up a college class before or after work or on an afternoon break. Most of our transferable classes are offered Monday through Thursday,” Phalen said.

Six of the required courses for students planning to apply for the nursing program are offered at Ottawa Center. Those courses include: Certified Nursing Assistant (ALH 1214), Introduction to Nutrition (ALH 1000), Human Growth and Development (ALH 1002), Introduction to Sociology (SOC 1000), and General Psychology (PSY 1000). Three of those classes also meet the requirement for general education.

Other classes offered this spring include: Global Environment (BIO 1000), a non-lab class meeting the general education requirement for a life science course; Introduction to Business Computers (CSI 1002) for those planning a business major or anyone wanting to increase computer literacy; English Composition (ENG 1002), First Aid (HPE 1004), Speech (SPH 1001); Art Survey II (ART 1010); History of Western Civilization (HIS 1001), and General Elementary Statistics (MTH 1008).

Additionally, an EMT basic course (EMS 2201) is offered for those interested in becoming an Emergency Medical Technician.

The IVCC Ottawa Center is located at 321 West Main Street in Ottawa. Questions can be directed to Phalen at (815) 224-0800 or

“We hope you’ll stop in, because the coffee is on!” Calvetti said.