September 14, 2017 Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 14, 2017 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

David O. Mallery, Secretary
Jay K. McCracken
Melissa M. Olivero
Amy L. Boyles
Angela M. Stevenson
Matthew F. Pehoski, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Jane E. Goetz, Chair
Everett J. Solon, Vice Chair

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Deborah Anderson, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Mark Grzybowski, Associate Vice President for Student Services
Bonnie Campbell, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Walt Zukowski, Attorney

In the absence of the Board Chair and Vice Chair, Dr. Jerry Corcoran called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


It was moved by Dr. Corcoran and seconded by Mr. McCracken to appoint David Mallery as Chair pro-tem.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Mr. Mallery appointed Dr. Boyles to serve as Secretary pro-tem.


It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Mr. McCracken to approve the agenda, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote. 




It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Ms. Stevenson to approve the consent agenda, as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – August 17, 2017 Board Meeting

Approval of Bills - $2,286,842.80

Education Fund - $1,260,375.73; Operations & Maintenance Fund - $78,759.96; Operations & Maintenance (Restricted Fund) - $171,172.25; Auxiliary Fund - $567,551.06; Restricted Fund - $25,018.44; Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $183,110.36; and Grants, Loans, and Scholarships Fund - $855.00

Treasurer’s Report


Approved the stipends for pay periods ending August 5, 2017 and August 19, 2017.

Request – Copier Lease Extension

Approved to extend the existing lease with Marco, Inc. for 12 copiers for (1) one year. 

Bid Results – Printing Supplies

Accepted the bid from Rasix Computer Center, Inc. for printing supplies in the amount of $22,238.58.

Purchase Request – Cisco Smartnet Maintenance

Authorized the renewal of Cisco SmartNet Maintenance for the phone system and network hardware and software in the amount of $19,978.48 from Burwood Group, Inc.


Dr. Corcoran thanked all of the board members who attended the 21st Century Scholars program on August 31. This year’s class of 14 scholars--including the College’s excellent trustee Matt Pehoski--is awesome. Everyone enjoyed the evening. Fran Brolley, Donna Swiskoski and Janice Corrigan were commended for a job well done.  On September 6, Dr. Corcoran attended the Northern Illinois Regional P-20 Network meeting hosted by Northern Illinois University where he had the pleasure of meeting with Acting President Lisa Freeman and hearing about the great work that’s being done by a number of teams with the common goal being to collaborate on ways to improve college and career readiness as part of reaching the 60 x 25 goal, i.e., 60 percent of adults holding high quality degrees and certificates by the year 2025.   Dr. Corcoran thanked Dr. Deborah Anderson for her leadership. IVCC has been well represented on some action teams that are (1) looking into the expansion of early college credit programs so that every high school student across the region has the opportunity to graduate with at least nine college credits;  (2) supporting high school-community college-NIU partnership teams in creating transitional math courses that will result in reduced remediation rates; (3) building grades 9-16 college and career pathways aligned to endorsement competencies in the four state priority areas of Information Technology, Health Services, Manufacturing/Engineering, and Finance and Business Services in collaboration with regional employers, and (4) gaining Adult-Learner Friendly institution status. Special thanks went to Dr. Robyn Schiffman, Mark Grzybowski and Bonnie Campbell for the roles they have played in working with their counterparts to promote student success. Dr. Corcoran was especially impressed with Acting President Freemen and her sincere enthusiasm regarding the possibility of launching some new pilot programs with IVCC. Mark is currently working on these activities. Dr. Corcoran encouraged everyone to stay tuned for some exciting new developments that will make Bill and Dian Taylor very proud. Dr. Corcoran thanked Trustee Jay McCracken for attending last week’s ICCTA meetings at Heartland Community College and representing IVCC’s interests so well.  The search has begun to try and find someone who is interested in carrying on the superb work that has been done for 34 years by Jeanne Hayden. Dr. Corcoran often tries to put himself in another person’s position when communicating with someone and although he will miss her and never forget her when she leaves at the end of the year, Dr. Corcoran can’t help but think she’s probably saying to herself, “Thank God I won’t have to listen to Corcoran introduce me by saying ‘Jeanne’s now in the process of training her fifth college president!’ any longer.” The fact of the matter is though, that truer words were never spoken. Dr. Corcoran will wait until the December board meeting to get teary-eyed (it goes with being Irish); for now he’ll just say thanks so much for being the best coworker he could ever dream of.


Mr. McCracken had the privilege of attending the September 8 Illinois Community College Trustees Association meeting.  He attended a roundtable discussion on declining enrollments and what other community colleges are doing to address this issue.  Mr. McCracken shared what IVCC is doing and found this to be a very valuable meeting.  There is a lot to learn at these meetings and he certainly enjoyed it.


It was moved by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Mr. Pehoski to accept the recommendation to appoint Chris Dunlap as Director of Information Technology Services at an annualized salary of $80,000.  Dr. Corcoran noted that he is very optimistic that Chris is the best person for the job and that everyone will be very proud of the results.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. McCracken and seconded by Ms. Olivero to extend the appointment of Dr. Robyn Schiffman as Interim Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Social Sciences with additional compensation of $400 per pay period, effective October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.  Mr. Mallery thanked Dr. Schiffman for continuing to serve as interim dean.  Motion passed by voice vote.




It was moved by Ms. Stevenson and seconded by Dr. Boyles to convene a closed session at 7:47 p.m. to discuss litigation and closed session minutes.  Motion passed by voice vote. 

After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 7:50 p.m.  On a motion by Dr. Boyles and seconded by Ms. Stevenson, the regular meeting resumed at 8:04 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Ms. Olivero and seconded by Mr. McCracken to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the August 17, 2017 and September 5, 2017 Board meetings.  Motion passed by voice vote. 




Mr. Mallery declared the meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.