May 15, 2012 Minutes of Regular Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 15, 2012 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Melissa M. Olivero, Vice Chair
Michael C. Driscoll
Larry D. Huffman
David O. Mallery
Britney Burkart, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt, Secretary
James A. Narczewski

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Walt Zukowski, Attorney

In the absence of Mr. Dennis Thompson, the meeting was called to order by Ms. Melissa Olivero, Acting Board Chair.


It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve the agenda, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.




In the absence of Leslie Englehaupt, Ms. Olivero appointed Dr. Huffman to serve as Secretary Pro-Tem.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the consent agenda as presented. Motion passed by voice vote.

The following items were approved in the consent agenda:

Approval of Minutes – April 17, 2012 Board Meeting.

Approval of the Bills - $1,584,301.91

Education Fund - $1,261,487.19; Operations and Maintenance Fund - $66,541.30; Operations and Maintenance (Restricted Fund) $25,582.38; Auxiliary Fund - $35,233.93; Restricted Fund - $137,962.35; and Liability, Protection and Settlement Fund - $57,494.76.

Treasurer’s Report


Approved the stipends for the pay periods ending April 7, 2012 and April 21, 2012.

Bid Results – Asbestos Abatement for Protection, Health and Safety (PHS) Projects in Buildings A, B, D, and E

Accepted the base bid for the Asbestos Abatement for PHS Projects in Buildings A, B, D, and E from Bay Remediation, LLC – Chicago, IL, in the amount of $55,000.

Bid Results – Protection, Health and Safety (PHS) Projects

Accepted the base bid from Vanguard Contractors, Inc. – Pekin, IL, in the amount of $747,200 for the PHS Projects for Restroom Modifications – Phase II, Door Panic Hardware Replacement, and Ceiling and Lighting Replacement, Alternate Bid No. 1 for $7,300 for additional valve and piping replacements in Buildings A and B, and Alternate Bid No. 2 for $6,300 for additional valve and piping replacements in Buildings D, E, and G, for a total of $760,800.


Dr. Corcoran reported the Illinois Community College Trustees Association has announced that Jeanne Hayden has been selected as the winner of its 2012 Professional Board Staff Member Award. Jeanne will be recognized at the ICCTA’s annual awards luncheon on Friday, June 1, at the Bloomington/Normal Marriott Hotel in Normal. Every day, more than anyone else, Jeanne demonstrates a sincere commitment to the college’s five core values of Respect, Responsibility, Caring, Fairness and Honesty, which guide her behavior when interacting with others. No matter what the activity may be Jeanne Hayden recognizes the importance of working together for a common cause. Dr. Corcoran has told many people over the last few years, she is now in the process of training her fifth college president and one thing he knows for sure is that he and many others are very proud to be working beside her.  Dr. Corcoran congratulated Jeanne Hayden on this well-deserved honor.  Along with the update on construction that Cheryl Roelfsema provided in the board packet, work on the Peter Miller Community Technology Center is going well. Steel erection is scheduled to start on the west end of the building May 29.  Foundations should be complete by May 31.  Geothermal Field drilling will be finished May 16 and backfill of the field will immediately follow; pipe will be run from the geothermal field to the corner of the new building May 21 -25 (under roadway and temporary sidewalk); and pipe installation in the horizontal field will start the week of June 11, lasting approximately six weeks. The work being done in Building G (Therapeutic Massage Lab) is also proceeding nicely and should be at the substantial completion phase by June 12.  On page 45 of the Board Book, there’s a letter from the Government Finance Officers Association notifying the College that the Business Office has once again earned the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award for the current budget. This is the fourth consecutive year that Cheryl Roelfsema, Pat Berry, and the Business Office staff have earned this outstanding distinction. In fact, IVCC is one of only 11 Illinois community colleges (out of 39 -- 28%) to have received the award.  Dr. Corcoran thanked everyone in the Business Office for a job well done.  Tracy Morris successfully defended her dissertation last Friday, May 11.  As the notice to all employees stated, “we now have a new doctor in the house.” Dr. Corcoran congratulated Dr. Tracy Morris on this outstanding accomplishment. Congratulations also went to Dorene Perez, Jim Gibson, Rick Serafini, Paul Leadingham and Tim Bias on the great job they did of coordinating this year’s MIMIC Fair (Making Industry Meaningful In College) on April 25.  The April 19 IVCC Job Fair ended up bringing 321 job seekers to the campus in order to meet with 43 employers. Congratulations went to Cathy Buck and Cristina Sabaria for their fine work on that project.  The annual staff recognition event was held on April 20 and 95 employees were honored for outstanding service. Dr. Corcoran thanked Dr. Larry Huffman and David Mallery for attending the event and representing the board of trustees. Thanks also went to Paula Hallock, George Needs, and Glenna Jones for working closely with the planning committee on coordinating the event.  On April 24, Fran Brolley and Professor Michael Pecherek hosted an event in honor of George and Nancy Maze as a way of saying thanks for the donations they have made over the years to provide cultural field trips to Chicago for music and theatre students. This is a wonderful experience for many of IVCC’s students and one that many of them would not have were it not for the generosity of the Mazes.  That same day, Professors Jared Olesen and Christine Dove hosted a “green expo” in the courtyard for the benefit of students, faculty and staff. The goal was to promote sustainability and it ended up being a huge success.  The Foundation Hall of Fame ceremony was held on April 28 and Dr. Corcoran thanked Vice Chair Melissa Olivero and trustee Dave Mallery for attending. He also thanked officials at L-P High school for allowing the use of Matthiessen Auditorium as a venue for the event.  Fran Brolley, Donna Swiskoski, Jenna Stinson, Sue Monroe, Rosie Lynch and Vince Brolley have a knack for making this program better each year.  The ICCTA’s annual Lobby Day activity was held on May 2 and Dr. Corcoran appreciated trustee Dave Mallery’s attendance at the program. Mr. Mallery and Dr. Corcoran had productive meetings with Senators Rezin and Bivins as well as Representatives Mautino, Pritchard, Moffit, Roth and Sommer. The three top issues that ICCTA officials asked be the focus for discussion were pension reform, next fiscal year’s budget, and insurance for community college retirees. Dr. Corcoran believes these legislators always have the best interests of IVCC in mind when considering proposed legislation.  The Sigma Kappa Delta English Honor Society induction ceremony hosted by Professors Kim Radek, Delores Robinson and Adam Oldaker on May 4 was an excellent event. Along with a large number of students being inducted into Mu Alpha Chapter, it was also the chance for the College to recognize student Virginia Campbell for the national award she earned for her essay entitled  “From Amleth to Hamlet: Just Move the H?”  Last week, Professor Jean Batson-Turner orchestrated the Tau Upsilon Alpha National Organization for Human Services Honor Society induction ceremony and had a great turnout of students and service learning partners in attendance.  Last Friday, Chris Herman, Cynthia Cardosi, Diane Scoma, and Teresa Bowen presented a terrific end-of-the-year recognition reception for 160 Project Success students. This was the first time that the ceremony was held on campus and ended up being a wonderful night for everyone, especially the students. Dr. Corcoran noted the Project Success staff really does a great job and he is very proud of them.

A major announcement will be made at 2 p.m. on Monday, June 4 regarding a United States Department of Agriculture Rural Business Grant in the amount of $99,000 to the college as part of the $2.1 million capital campaign.  Stay tuned for details to follow regarding this accomplishment and the excellent work that has once again been done on the College’s behalf by Reed Wilson, Sue Isermann and Cheryl Roelfsema.




It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the elimination of tuition waivers and coaching salaries for Men’s Tennis and Women’s Tennis programs at the end of the spring 2012 semester and terminate the employment of Head Men’s Tennis Coach Lukas Burkon and Head Women’s Tennis coach Bonnie Petersen, effective May 18, 2012.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Mallery and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the appointment of Ms. Bonnie Bennett-Campbell to the position of Dean of Health Professions with an annualized salary of $70,500, effective June 1, 2012.  Motion passed by voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve the appointment of Ms. Bonnie Bennett-Campbell to the position of Interim Director of Nursing Programs with an annualized compensation of $12,000, effective June 1, 2012.  Motion passed by voice vote.


Dr. Driscoll attended the AQIP Strategy Forum with Sandy Beard, Cheryl Roelfsema, Lori Scroggs, Keith King, Linda Hanley, Tracy Morris, and Jerry Corcoran.  He noted AQIP is the College’s accreditation process and is based on continuous quality improvement.  In a structured manner, the team discussed opportunities for improvement.  IVCC’s strategic planning process is disconnected from routine short processes.  Two action projects were proposed to improve upon this:  1) align all of the IVCC’s planning processes into one concerted process and 2) improve IVCC’s culture where AQIP becomes a part of the daily process.  Dr. Driscoll noted good discussions took place and the team is taking the College in the right direction.

Dr. Huffman attended a LaSalle CARES meeting.  This project is in a holding pattern contingent upon a grant from the State for the construction of a pre-school facility.

Mr. Mallery attended Lobby Day and the main topic was pension reform.  The House and Senate have passed one of the pension reform bills on retirees paying part of their insurance payments. Mr. Mallery noted that 80 percent pay absolutely nothing.  The Governor is expected to sign the bill.  Many employees are inquiring about retirement.  There is also pension legislation where the retiree cannot come back and work for the entity from which they retired.  He noted the Board must be vigilant of that and see how it applies to the College’s policies.

Dr. Huffman noted he was pleased to see that the athletic director was in agreement that every team should be conducting fundraising.  As a follow up he would like to see a status report from Tommy Canale on this.  Dr. Huffman was also pleased to see that the tennis program will continue with the changes. 

Dr. Huffman congratulated Fran Brolley on all the good news in the newspapers regarding College events and feature stories.   

Student Trustee, Britney Burkart, reported that she is a member of the student success committee and is looking forward to serving on the committee.  The outgoing and incoming members of the Student Government Association met and discussed goals for next year.  Britney will be attending the ICCB Student Leadership Institute in Bloomington May 31 – June 2.


It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to convene a closed session at 6:50 p.m. to discuss 1) the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body; 2) pending litigation; and 3) closed session minutes. 

Student Advisory Vote:  “Aye” – Ms. Burkart.  Roll Call Vote:  “Ayes” – Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Mr. Mallery, and Ms. Olivero. “Nays” – None, motion carried.

After a short break, the Board entered closed session at 6:55 p.m.  On a motion by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll the regular meeting resumed at 7:53 p.m.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the March 20, 2012 meeting, as amended.  Motion passed by voice vote.

It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to approve and retain the closed session minutes of the April 17, 2012 meeting, as presented.  Motion passed by voice vote.


It was moved by Dr. Driscoll and seconded by Dr. Huffman to recommend the appointment of Dr. Lori Scroggs as Interim Vice President for Learning and Student Development with an annualized salary of $117,000, effective May 21, 2012.  The motion passed with Mr. Mallery voting nay.  Mr. Mallery noted that while he supported the employee recommendation, his concern was the compensation level, which was a substantial increase.  He believes it is time for the administrators to set the example for the rest of the campus.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman and seconded by Dr. Driscoll to recommend additional compensation for interim responsibilities for Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance, with an annualized salary of $117,000, effective May 21, 2012.  The motion passed with Mr. Mallery voting nay.  Mr. Mallery noted again that while he supported the employee recommendation, his concern was the compensation level which was a substantial increase.  He believes it is time for the administrators to set the example for the rest of the campus.


Ms. Olivero declared the meeting adjourned at 7:58 p.m.