November 10, 2010 Facilities Committee Meeting

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, November 10, 2010 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present

Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
David O. Mallery
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt

Others Physically Present

Larry D. Huffman
Michael C. Driscoll
Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect

The meeting was called to order at 5:30 p.m. by Mr. Thompson, committee chair.


There is $133,000 of capital renewal funds available to IVCC for the slope maintenance project. Some efficiency could occur with the work that is already being considered with the Community Technology Center. The scope of the work provides for identifying, prioritizing, and implementing various strategies to mitigate conditions which may reduce slope stability. Strategies will include removing fallen trees and debris from the slope and repairing erosion damage and installing riprap at tile outlets. Other strategies may include creating a tile system to collect water and outlet at single point. The $133,000 includes the work and contingency and architecture/engineering fees. This project, if approved, will go out to bid and be approved by the Board. The project needs approval by the Board first to get the Capital Development Board involved. Hopefully, the vendor who is on campus will aggressively bid this project. Chamlin and Associates has been selected as the architect/engineer because they know the project. They provided the engineering for the IVCC Road/Parking Lot project and are consultants for the Community Instructional Center project. They are already familiar with the contour of the land and the work necessary to stabilize the slope and ravines. The committee will recommend the approval of the application form to the Board for this project.


The Art-in-Architecture committee met and agreed on a three-dimensional outdoor landmark to be located near the southeast entrance to the Community Technology Center. Dr. Corcoran sent a formal letter to the Capital Development Board (CDB) indicating the decision on the type of art and the desire to proceed with artist selection. Once CDB receives proposals from artists, the Board will view their portfolios and some samples will be provided. It was suggested by CDB to leave specific criteria out of the requests to allow the artists to do their own homework and surprise the committee with their interpretations.


The committee reviewed a variety of floor coverings for the different types of rooms, such as offices, labs, conference rooms, classrooms, and a health and wellness classroom in the Community Technology Center (CTC). The upper level, conference rooms, and student center will have carpeting. The health and wellness classroom, where classes such as Tai Chi and Yoga will be held, will have bamboo floorings. The labs will have concrete floors. Choices for the first floor hallway were tile, linoleum, or polished concrete. The costs between the three options are similar, but the polished concrete will last longer and the upkeep will be minimal. The committee was in agreement with the polished concrete. Color palettes will be presented soon for the Board’s review.

The plan for signage on the Community Technology Center was originally placed on the zinc material (the pointed slope above the entrance). The architects are concerned that the signage might not be attractive as the zinc curves in two directions and the letters would need to be curved. There was concern that the current signage is too small and it might be better to consider flattening out the curve above the entrance. Mr. Basalay noted at this point in the project, it would be very difficult to change the curve and it is an impressive architectural element. Pictures of how the signage would look on the flat surface of the main building of the CTC were distributed. The committee suggested the size of the logo be increased. The signage will be lit, but the flag pole will not be lit. The flag will have to be raised and lowered each day.


Illinois community colleges are required to submit updated master plans to the ICCB every five years. The last master plan adopted by the Board was in fiscal year 2006. Although the community colleges are encouraged to issue a Request for Qualifications from architects periodically, IVCC is currently in the middle of a construction project and the most cost-effective approach would be to retain Basalay, Cary & Alstadt and Demonica Kemper Architects. Both were involved in preparing the master plan in fiscal year 2006. The biggest change would be removing the Community Instructional Center and the Workforce Development Center and inserting the current building to be constructed, Community Technology Center (CTC). The relocations that will take place once the CTC is built and the demolition of the buildings on the east campus would also need to be added. Changes in RAMP #3 included taking the early childhood center out of Building G. Making these changes to the current plan would be the easiest and least expensive way to satisfy the master plan requirement. It was also suggested to prepare a landscaping plan as a separate document. There have been a number of requests to donate trees, but there is no plan as to where they should be placed. It was suggested the landscaping architect for the CTC could give the administration a proposal for ideas for the rest of the campus and the Board could act on it.


Mr. Thompson noted the remodeling in Building G for the relocation of the Massage Therapy classrooms included asbestos abatement. The plan was to scrape the asbestos off the ceiling, but the right way would be to remove the ceiling. This changes the cost of the project from $17,000 to $70,000. The Capital Development Board has separated the asbestos abatement portion of the Community Instructional Center Project and will need approval to use matching funds from the IVCC trust account to move forward with this project. This will be an action item at the November board meeting.


The meeting adjourned at 6:24 p.m.