January 13, 2010 Minutes of Special Board Meeting

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a special session at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13, 2010 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Physically Present

Dennis N. Thompson, Chair
Thomas C. Setchell, Vice Chair
David O. Mallery, Secretary     
Michael C. Driscoll       
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt
Larry D. Huffman
Cheyanne Smith, Student Trustee

Members Absent

Melissa M. Olivero

Others Physically Present

Jerry Corcoran, President
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Paul Basalay, Architect
Dominick Demonica, Architect


Mr. Thompson requested the order of the agenda items be changed – Item #4 (Community Technology Center) follow Item #5 (Early Childhood Education Center).  Ms. Englehaupt made the motion to approve the change in the agenda as requested and Ms. Smith seconded the motion. Motion approved by voice vote.


Mr. Thompson appointed Melissa Olivero and Dr. Larry Huffman to serve on the childcare advisory committee.  He would like Ms. Olivero and Dr. Huffman to work with Diane Christianson and Dr. Rick Pearce and answer the questions proposed by President Corcoran in his January 11, 2010 memo to the Board.  If other Board members have a vision of what the Center could be, they were encouraged to forward them on to this committee.  The goal of this committee is to define a scope by gathering information and determining a direction.  If the direction takes the Center out into the community, a larger committee could be formed.  The committee is to report back to the Board at the February 25, 2010 Board meeting.


The purpose of this agenda item was to review the schematic designs and give direction to the architects to move forward with the plans and also to review the exterior images and provide feedback to the architects.  Geothermal borings have been completed. Soil borings have also been completed to provide information as to the future construction site for the Community Technology Center.  After the architects met with the faculty and staff, the size of the proposed building was 80,400 s.f., 4,405 s.f. over the targeted 75,995 s.f.  The administration directed the architects to develop a plan that meets the targeted square footage and present both plans to the Board.  By squeezing the corridors, cutting corners, eliminating space for a mechanical room, shrinking space for a lounge area, and manipulating other spaces, the architects were able to reduce the square footage to 77,200 s.f.  The architects were confident at this point that the additional 1200 s.f. would not be an issue in regard to cost.  The project specifications can be manipulated.  The only problem the architects could foresee is if the quality of the construction would be compromised by staying within the budget.  If this would happen, the architects would approach the Board to discuss solutions that everyone would be comfortable with.  It was the consensus of the Board (Ms. Smith, Dr. Driscoll, Dr. Huffman, Ms. Englehaupt, Mr. Setchell, and Mr. Thompson) to proceed with the 77,200 square feet.

The architects presented exterior options to the Board.  The majority of the Board preferred Option B2 for the main entrance and the two-tone exterior material, but leaned toward either Option B3 or B4 for the East entrance of the building.  Concerns with East entrance options were protection from the elements and maybe too much brown roofing.  Since many students and visitors will be entering the building from the East, members of the Board would like the entrance to be equally significant as the main entrance.  It was suggested more work should be done on the East entrance.

The CTC building will be built on a slab.  There will be a slope in the corridor of the building to accommodate the slope of the ground.  The roofs will be sloped, white membranes.  The connecting corridor between Building C and E has a slope difference of five feet.  This area may need steps and a lift.  The groundbreaking for the CTC building is planned for spring 2011 and completion by fall 2012.

The architects also presented the proposed additions to the welding/auto shop building on the East Campus. 

Mr. Mallery entered the meeting at 7:53 p.m.

The Audit/Finance Committee will meet on Friday, February 12 at noon and the Facilities Committee will meet on Friday, February 12 at 2 p.m.


It was moved by Dr. Huffman, seconded by Ms. Smith, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m.