November 10, 2009 Facilities Committee Meeting

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present:

Dennis Thompson, Chair
David Mallery                                         

Committee Member Absent:

Leslie-Anne Englehaupt

Others Physically Present:

Larry D. Huffman
Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Sue Isermann, Associate Vice President of Career and Technical Education
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Dominick Demonica, Architect
Melissa Garzanelli, The Times
Jeremy Aitken, WLPO/WAJK/KOOL

The meeting was called to order at 5:20 p.m. by Mr. Thompson, committee chair. 


Pursuant to the Facilities Committee meeting held on October 13, 2009, the administration and architects were to explore the possibility of using the pole building for the maintenance storage, further evaluate the childcare center, and revise the cost estimates by meeting with staff.

Dominic Demonica reviewed the post-construction projects and the revised estimates for each level.  The lower level estimates decreased by $132,550 by reducing the amount of square footage to be converted and the cost of converting some of the areas.  The lower level involves converting the existing CAD lab to a graphic design lab; converting the existing drafting lab to a general classroom; converting the existing technology labs to an EMS lab, forensics lab, and two classrooms; converting the existing operating systems lab to storage and forensics staging area; converting the existing forensics lab and ESL classroom to storage; and converting the existing CETLA to security offices and bookstore storage. The middle level estimates decreased by $255,100 by not relocating the bookstore, by relocating the Dislocated Workers Center to the enrollment management area, by meeting with students and firming up the conversion of the student life space and converting the lobby to a cyber café.  The middle level involves converting the existing Dislocated Workers Center to CETLA, converting the bursar area to library space, converting the existing career center to a faculty lounge, converting the existing counseling center to student life space, converting the existing enrollment management area to the Dislocated Workers Center and a computer lab. The library is one area that needs to be reviewed and discussed. Study areas are needed and the students did not want any quiet space in the student life area.  An option for additional study areas could be to convert part of the enrollment management area in place of a computer lab.  It was noted if the study areas are in the library, the space could be controlled.  The library needs to be rearranged and this could provide additional room for study areas.  There is the possibility of moving the library entrance back to where it was, across from the bookstore.  The upper level estimates decreased by $147,200 by increasing the estimates on the massage therapy area and deleting the construction of the connecting corridor and placing it on the alternate list.  The upper level consists of converting the existing student support services to faculty offices and a seminar room, converting the existing adult education area to massage therapy (removing four of the six offices and constructing ten lab rooms), and converting the existing business training offices to administration and foundation offices. 

Mr. Basalay noted at the last meeting, the estimated cost of the childcare center was $430,000.  After receiving more information, the cost has been reduced to $315,000 for the remodeling of the existing Building G space plus $82,000 for site work and relocating the playground area.  There is no other option on campus for the childcare center.  Off site locations could be used as labs for the early childhood education program.  Mr. Basalay moved the childcare center to the alternate list.  The existing metal pole building by the barn will be used for storage for the maintenance equipment.  This reduced the size and price of the construction of the new maintenance building.  More discussion on the location of the maintenance building needs to take place.   If the new building is located near the pole building, the cost of the utilities to the building will be more expensive than locating the building on the east campus, but would be more convenient than the east campus.

The total construction budget for the Community Technology Center is $24,950,200.  With the revised estimates, the total budget is now under budget by $410,450.  Mr. Basalay asked the committee to prioritize the five items on the alternate list.  If the alternates are listed in the project, any money left over can be used to complete these projects.  Mr. Mallery wanted to completely remove alternate 4 (relocate childcare center to Building G).  Mr. Thompson did not want to make that call for the whole Board.  Mr. Basalay stated it would be better to include all the alternates and when the project gets to the schematic design stage, projects could be eliminated that do not fit into the budget.  It was decided to include Alternates 1 and 5 (1 -connecting link at upper floor from Building C to Building E and 5 - the digital fire alarm system throughout the main campus) and adjust the prices to fit into the total construction budget.  The three remaining items were prioritized in this order:  1) Alternate 3 – provide accessible elevator at Building A and modify entrance location to library and associated work; 2) Alternate 2 – provide accessible elevator at Building E; and 3) Alternate 4 – relocate childcare center to Building G.


The meeting adjourned at 7:07 P.M.