August 3, 2009 Minutes of Facilities Committee Meeting

The Facilities Committee of the Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 met at 8:15 a.m. on Monday, August 3, 2009 in the Board Room (C307) at Illinois Valley Community College.

Committee Members Physically Present:

Dennis Thompson, Chair
David Mallery
Leslie-Anne Englehaupt

Others Physically Present:

Jerry Corcoran, President
Rick Pearce, Vice President for Learning and Student Development
Cheryl Roelfsema, Vice President for Business Services and Finance
Lori Scroggs, Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
Gary Johnson, Director of Facilities
Paul Basalay, Architect
Fran Brolley, Community Relations and Marketing
Kevin Caufield, News-Tribune
Steve Stout, The Times

The meeting was called to order at 8:15 a.m. by Mr. Thompson, committee chair.


Information was sent to the facilities committee outlining possible options for reducing the planned square footage of the proposed Community Technology Center from 78,000 gross square feet to 76,000 gross square feet or less.  The focus of the CTC is technology and instruction. Priority for space in the building is given to the technology programs.  The Technology Center plans called for only 54,000 gross square feet, so the planned building should incorporate some 20-25,000 gross square feet of programming originally planned for the CIC.   Programs being relocated from the East Campus to the CTC would include:  CNC/Manufacturing; Industrial Maintenance; and HVAC/R.  In addition, the following programs would move to the CTC:  CAD/Drafting; Electronics; Industrial Electricity; Networking; and Adult Education.  Programs originally planned for the CIC would include:  Continuing Education/Business Services (7,400 gross square feet – conference space that can be divided into two conference rooms, a multi-purpose classroom, a health/wellness classroom with a warming kitchen to service the conference space, administrative spaces and a pre-function space); The Dislocated Workers Center and the Small Business Development Center (are not planned to be located in the CTC, but will be relocated to areas close to the front lobby - plans could be modified to add the career services office to this group and would save approximately 965 square feet); and Student Services (9,600 gross square feet – in two clusters – admissions, records, financial aid and cashier’s office in a one-stop center and the second cluster – counseling, career services, assessment and student support services); and student life space (approximately 2,000 square feet).  With the relocation of the counseling center into the CTC, there is an option to eliminate the student space in the CTC and locate it in the space vacated by the counseling center.  Mr. Mallery questioned moving the admissions, records, and financial aid only 1,000 feet to the CTC.  The concept of locating all the student services together is to provide ease of access for students as they move through the enrollment management process.  By not moving admissions, records, and financial aid would divide the services and defeat the purpose.  Mr. Mallery also questioned that fact that the buildings would be connected, but the plan has a large courtyard in front of where the board room is located.  Paul Basalay explained a distance of 20-30 feet is needed between the two buildings so as to not block the windows and also for water drainage.  There was also concern with after the drawing is complete the square footage may increase.  Paul Basalay indicated a preliminary drawing was made to show the grossing factor taking into consideration the corridors.  He does not believe there will a substantial increase due to the fact of going through this phase already.  Paul Basalay noted that during the programming process more space was needed for the student space.  By moving the student space out of the CTC and into the vacated counseling center more things could be accomplished.  Math and tutoring were identified to be located in the vacated counseling center, but this is a high traffic area and would not be conducive for the math and tutoring area.  Mr. Mallery stated the square footage is not his only concern; he wants to stay within the dollar amount. He was concerned with the cost of the building and the portion that would not be covered by the State.  He noted there is strategy in large construction where the cost can be reduced but at the same time keeping the building looking good and the strengths where they should be.  He stressed he did not want to cut corners.  He believes the best guiding tool is the college has $7.5 million to put into the project.  Ms. Englehaupt stated she did not want to cut and then ten years down the line have to replace.  The committee was in consensus to stay with 76,000 gross square feet with some flexibility.  Financially, the committee is making the assumption that the building will stay within the dollar amount the college has.  Further discussion needs to take place on the financing of the building.  A timeline needs to be prepared on the construction and on the money coming in from the State.  Other items to be considered are:  1) how much equipment will be moved and how much will be purchased; 2) demolition of the buildings on the east campus; 3) a confirmation on the where the match money will come from; and 4) clarification on what budget year the money will come from.  Mr. Thompson stated the committee’s recommendation is to stay around 76,000 gross square feet and within the $7.7 million so that Paul Basalay can proceed with the design process.  Mr. Thompson noted that the building does not allow for new programs.  There is no flexibility for growth and in the long term this may be an issue.


Four Protection, Health, and Safety (PHS) projects were under consideration for tax year 2010 – Restroom Modifications, Phase II; Biology Science Lab Remodel; Chemistry Science Lab Remodel; and Replacement of Transformer and Electrical at Building G.  It is anticipated that the 2010 PHS tax levy will generate approximately $1.4 million in revenue.  Approximately $420,000 in excess PHS funds is also available for new projects.  The cost estimates on the biology and chemistry labs were considerably more expensive than anticipated.  The total cost estimate on the remodeling of the biology lab is $968,500.  The biology lab was constructed in the early 70’s.  The countertops and work station tops contain asbestos.  The faucets leak and replacement parts are not available.  None of the work stations meet accessibility.  The work to be performed will include removing existing casework and all asbestos-containing countertops and work surfaces including sinks, providing accessibility, providing new casework and plumbing, revising the fire alarm system and devices to properly protect the area, revising the exhaust system to improve ventilation and improve energy conservation, and improving HVAC to better control humidity.  A new elevator shaft will be created but the elevator will not be built until a later date and then the elevator in the chemistry lab and the elevator in the biology lab can be built together.  The biology lab would be divided into two closed labs and an open lab by glass partitions.  The chemistry lab would also be divided by glass partitions.  The geology lab, currently located in the biology lab, would be moved to the physics lab which is a part of the chemistry lab.  The asbestos abatement may be done using Tort funds and is not included in the estimate.  Cost-cutting measures were discussed.  It was decided to remodel the biology lab 100 percent and wait on the chemistry lab.  The cost estimates on the three other PHS projects were:  chemistry lab - $985,300; restroom modifications, phase II - $915,844; Replacement of Transformer and Electrical at Building G - $682,920.  The bids for the replacement of the transformers at Buildings D and E came in significantly lower than the cost estimates due to the decrease in prices for copper.  It is believed that the bids could come in lower again for the replacement of the transformer at Building G.  The committee was in consensus to recommend two projects for tax levy 2010 – Replace Biology Lab at Building A and Replacement of Transformer and Electrical at Building G.


The Voluntary Action Center (VAC), a not-for-profit entity that provides meal delivery for seniors throughout much of the college district, has leased space from Illinois Valley Community College since September 2003.  They were the successor organization of the Project NOA program which was administered by the college until 2003.  VAC leases 27 percent of Building 6 for $1,416 per month.  Prior to July 2009 the remainder of the building was used for instruction by the Truck Driver Training program.  Now over 70 percent of the building is vacant.  Building 6 is one of the original temporary buildings to be demolished during the upcoming building project.  In order to give VAC sufficient time to find another facility, the administration would like to notify VAC that the lease may be terminated as of December 31, 2010, providing an alternative location for the program is available.  The administration is interested in trying to help the organization find a place, but would also give them a timeline.  It was suggested that the college could lease the building to VAC and provide a separate meter for utilities.  It was the consensus of the committee to authorize the administration to discuss the situation with VAC and let them know that the plan is to demolish the building.


The college has been purchasing electricity through Sempra Solutions, an alternate retail electric supplier, for the summer months of June, July, August, and September at a fix price in order to avoid the higher rates for electricity during the high usage months.  Sempra’s fees are $3.00 per megawatt.  Since energy prices continue to be low, real-time pricing more than likely will be the best value for the college from October through April.  If the college returns to real-time pricing, there is no advantage in using Sempra’s services.  The college can buy electricity directly from AmerenIP.  The committee was in consensus to return to real-time pricing for the months of October 2009 through April 2010.


In order to provide up-to-date technology in the classrooms and offices, Illinois Valley Community College is on a four to five-year cycle with the equipment.  For many years the surplus equipment was sold in the annual college auction.  Approximately one year ago, the computer equipment that was in good condition and was not obsolete technologically was divided into lots and offered to area schools.  There was a great response from the area schools and three schools each received a lot of 25 computers with monitors.  There are times when computers become technologically obsolete, do not function properly, or have missing parts.  In the past these have been offered in the annual college auction, but the prices did not offset the cost of getting the equipment ready for the auction.  The administration would like to start using a recycler for these items.  Vintage Recylers is offering schools free pickup through August 31.  It was the consensus of the committee to authorize the administration to move forward with offering computers to the area schools this fall after the computer labs have been updated and to recycle the technologically obsolete equipment with Vintage Recyclers. 


The meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m.