February 2000 Board Meeting Minutes

The Board of Trustees of Illinois Valley Community College District No. 513 convened a regular session at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 in Room C307 at Illinois Valley Community College.

Members Present

Jimmie D. Lansford, Chairperson
William H. Franklin, Jr., Vice Chairperson
Deborah L. Sweeden, Secretary
Harry R. Debo
Kristine A. Paul
H. Todd Phalen
Thomas A. Shea
Al Steinz, Student Trustee

Others Present

Jean Goodnow, President
Harold Barnes, Director of Computer Services
Francis Brolley, Director of Public Information
Harriet Custer, Vice President of Academic Affairs
Robert Marshall, Vice President of Student Services
Larry Rousey, Director of Facilities
Francis Zeller, Vice President of Business Services & Finance
Walt Zukowski, Attorney


It was moved by Mr. Franklin and seconded by Mrs. Paul that the Board of Trustees approve the Consent Agenda consisting of the Minutes of the January 24, 2000 Board Meeting and the Approval of Bills in the Education Fund - $153,763.40; Operation & Maintenance Fund; $58,966.57; Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund); $368,316.51; Bond and Interest Fund - $950,809.92; Auxiliary Fund - $272,527.08; Restricted Fund - $162,275.82; Audit Fund - $7,919.20; Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $5,547.11.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Shea to approve the Financial Reports.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


Dr. Goodnow recognized this Board meeting as Dr. Zeller’s final meeting. She reported Frank Zeller came to IVCC in September of 1973 and has been a valuable team member and leader of the business office ever since. He has won many awards from the International Association of School Business Officials and from the Government Finance Officers Association for excellence in financial reporting. On behalf of the administration and the Board, Dr. Goodnow thanked Dr. Zeller for his vision and commitment to the College.


It was moved by Mrs. Paul and seconded by Mr. Shea to approve tenure status to Mike Phillips, Geology instructor in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division; Cindy Schultz, Mathematics Instructor in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics Division; Gloria Bouxsein, Nursing Instructor in the Health Professions Division; Brian Campbell, English Instructor in the Humanities & Fine Arts Division; Michael Pecherek, Music Instructor in the Humanities & Fine Arts Division; Sallee Beneke, Assistant to Laboratory Instruction in the Social Sciences & Public Service Division; Renee Jones and Jane Sack, Counselors in the Student Services Division.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Phalen and seconded by Mr. Franklin to approve the new position of Agriculture Instructor assigned to the Division of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mrs. Sweeden and seconded by Mr. Franklin to approve the change order on the D/E swingspace project in the amount of $19,114.00

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Debo and seconded by Mr. Steinz to approve the 9-month contract between IVCC and Putnam County.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mr. Debo to approve IVCC’s Strategic Initiatives and Goals for FY2001 as presented. ( A copy of the Strategic Initiatives attached and made a part of the minutes.)

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried.


It was moved by Mr. Shea and seconded by Mr. Franklin to approve the student applying for partial student support.

Student Advisory Vote: "Aye"-Mr. Steinz. Roll Call Vote: "Ayes"- Mr. Phalen, Mr. Debo, Mrs. Paul, Mr. Shea, Mrs. Sweeden, Mr. Franklin, and Mr. Lansford. "Nays" - None, motion carried


It was moved by Mr. Franklin, seconded by Mr. Shea, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 6:15 p.m.