July 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Minutes – June 18, 2003 (Pages 1-5)
  2. Approval of Bills

Education Fund – $240,454.54
Operation & Maintenance Fund - $71,285.07
Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) – $23,091.91
Bond & Interest Fund - $64,863.75
Auxiliary Fund - $176,597.70
Restricted Fund - $196,542.01
Audit Fund - $5,700.00
Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $179,291.99

c. Financial Reports

Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 6)
Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 7)
Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 8-9)


6. Trustee’s Report

7. President’s Report

8. Personnel (Pages 10-15)

  1. Faculty Resignation – Sharon Trotter-Martin, English Instructor (Pages 10-11)
  2. Staff Retirement – Giacomo Leone, Dean of Humanities, Fine Arts and Social Sciences (Pages 12-13)
  3. Faculty Appointment – Dr. Majid T. Noori, Physics Instructor (Pages 14-15)

9. Bid Request – Forensic Instructional Supplies (Pages 16-17)

10. Bid Approvals (Pages 18-30)

  1. Food and Vending Services (Pages 18-20)
  2. Boiler Replacement, Buildings C and E (Pages 21-27)
  3. Computer Printing Supplies (Pages 28-30)

11. Facilities, Services and Equipment Fee Schedule (Pages 31-34)

12. Board Policy 4005 (Pages 35-36)

13. Campus Update – Development Office, Lori Scroggs

14. Items for Information (Pages 37-43)

Illinois Community College Board Recognition of Community Colleges (Pages 37-38)
Human Services Certificate Program (Page 39)
Small Business Development Center Funding (Page 40)
Project Graduation – Rho Omega Chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (Page 41)
Elderhostel Partnership with IVCC – (Pages 42-43)

14. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 44-48)

  1. Steve Alvin & Kirk Lockwood–LaSalle Historic District Signage Project (Pages 44-46)
  2. Jill Urban-Bollis – ICCB, AAT Degree (Page 47)
  3. IVCC and SRAVTE – Lynn Reha (Page 48)


15. Closed Session

16. Employee Discipline

17. Other

18. Adjournment