January 15, 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda


1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Minutes – December 18, 2002 (Pages 1-5)
  2. Approval of Bills

Education Fund – $212,398.83
Operation & Maintenance Fund - $84,546.84
Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) – $23,764.06
Auxiliary Fund - $161,860.46
Restricted Fund - $116,288.87
Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $11,468.89

c. Financial Reports

Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 6)
Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 7)
Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 8-9)


5. President’s Report

6. Bid Request – LCD Projectors (Pages 10-11)

7. Bid Approvals (Pages 12-15)

  1. Class Schedules (Summer/Fall 2003, Fall 2003 and Spring 2004) (Pages 12-13)
  2. Property/Casualty/Workers’ Compensation Insurance (Pages 14-15)


8. FY04 Budget (Pages 16-17)

9. Cooperative Agreement with Lake Land College (Pages 18-21)

10. December Graduates

11. Board Policy Manual – Section 1000 (Page 22)

12. Campus Update – Cancellation of Low Enrollment Classes

13. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 23-25)


a. Sharon Barthelemy – Ethical Fitness® Seminar (Page 23)
b. Tom Schultz and Norm Engstrom – Vermillion Valley Show Chorus (Page 24)
c. Jackie Fox, Cheryl Stoddard, Harold Barnes, Cheryl Roelfsema, Dick Vicich, Bob Hunter, Lorri Foockle, Mary Jo Freeman and Kris Curley – Elgin Community College (Page 25)

14. Closed Session

15. Other

16. Adjournment

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