August 2003 Board of Trustees Meeting Agenda

1. Call to Order

2. Pledge of Allegiance

3. Roll Call

4. Consent Agenda

a. Approval of Minutes – July 16, 2003 (Pages 1-6)
b. Approval of Bills

Education Fund – $323,423.57
Operation & Maintenance Fund - $93,710.44
Operation & Maintenance Fund (Restricted Fund) – $211,027.13
Auxiliary Fund - $342,418.66
Restricted Fund - $212,876.51
Liability, Protection & Settlement Fund - $23,040.79

c. Financial Reports

Check Register - $5,000 or more (Page 7)
Budget to Actual Comparison (Page 8)
Cash Flow/Forecast Report (Pages 9-10)


5. President’s Report

6. Personnel (Pages 11-22)


  1. Staff Appointment – Tracy L. Morris, Director of Admissions and Records (Pages 11-12)
  2. Staff Resignation – Mary Lou Meader, Director of Continuing Education and External Learning (Pages 13-14)
  3. Faculty Appointment – Yelena Kajevic, Developmental Writing and Composition Instructor (Pages 15-16)
  4. Faculty Appointment – Jane A. Battles, Nursing Instructor (Pages17-18)
  5. Faculty Appointment – Linda C. Hanley, Nursing Instructor (Pages 19-20)
  6. Faculty Appointment – Dominic Sarsah, Physics Instructor (Pages 21-22)


7. IVCC Foundation By-Laws (Pages 23-35)

8. FY04 Tentative Budget (Pages 36-38)

  1. Resolution Approving Tentative Budget (Page 37)
  2. Authorization to Publish Notice of Public Hearing (Page 38)


9. Transfer of Funds (Pages 39-40)

10. Bid Approvals (Pages 41-46)


  1. Life Safety Project – Demountable Partitions and Modular Casework (Pages 41-43)
  2. Forensic Instructional Supplies (Pages 44-46)


11. Life Safety Project – Third Floor Building Connections (Pages 47-55)

12. Conferring of Degrees and Certificates (August Graduates)

13. Bookstore Policy Update

14. Campus Update – AQIP, Harriet Custer and Jamie Gahm

15. Items for Information (Pages 56-58)

a. Faculty Resignation – Dr. Majid Noori, Physics Instructor (Page 56)
b. Staff Appointment – Bradley A. Hansen, Assistant Women’s Basketball Coach (Page 57)
c. Faculty Resignation – Linda Jo Stein, Part-time Instructor (Page 58)

16. Thanks and Commendations (Pages 59-65)

  1. Jane Sack – National Council on Student Development (Page 59)
  2. Tina Hardy – Illinois State Board of Education (Pages 60-61)
  3. Fran Brolley – Heart of America Ride for Aids (Page 62)
  4. Mike Phillips and Fran Brolley – WLPO, WAJK, WKOT (Page 63)
  5. Massage Therapy Program – Jack & Susan Bauswell (Page 64)
  6. Ottawa Area Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Page 65)


17. Other

18. Adjournment