IVCC Guidance on Complying with FERPA in Distance Learning

Parent/Child Courses in Brightspace and Merged Discussion Boards

We recognize the academic merit of utilizing the discussion board function in Brightspace to include students from multiple sections of the same course. In order to comply with FERPA and ensure student privacy while encouraging robust student interaction, faculty may utilize the merge feature to allow for discussions between students in different sections, but with the following caveat: names may be displayed, but the section each student is enrolled in must not be identified to other students.

Recorded Zoom Lectures Distributed to Students in Other Sections

Faculty may send recorded lectures to students in multiple sections as long as section enrollment information is not included.

Invitations to Students to "Sit-In" on Class Sessions for Other Sections

Faculty may invite students to attend other sessions, with the caveat that the student's section enrollment is not listed (i.e., the student volunteering to sit in on the session is not identified with another session).

Test/Material Review Sessions Open to All Students

Faculty may invite students to attend group review/study sessions, as long as participation is not mandatory and section enrollment is not shared. 

This information will also be included in the College Catalog and on the FERPA web page, https://www.ivcc.edu/admissions/ferpa.php